To Our Valued Partners:
Baco Enterprises Inc. is monitoring the COVID-19 situation closely and is responding to the rapidly evolving recommendations and directives as published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
The manufacture and supply of fasteners has been determined by the government to be an essential industry.
As an industrial manufacturer servicing the military, medical and aerospace industries, Baco Enterprises Inc. is currently open for business and continuing to manufacture, receive and ship orders to the best of our ability throughout the current emergency.
To protect the health of our employees, our customers, and our community, as well as to help ensure our continued support our customers’ operations, Baco Enterprises Inc. has issued to all employees, a best practices list of how to navigate this temporary threat safely. We are following local, state, and federal, health official’s guidance regarding personal spacing, telecommuting when possible, and limitation of onsite staffing to personnel essential to carry out our commitment and responsibility to support our customers’ needs.
Baco Enterprises Inc. has paused all business-related travel. For the duration of the emergency, we are encouraging virtual and phone meetings. We continue to evaluate ways to keep our employees safe and slow the spread of the virus and continue to promote best practice guidelines from public health officials.
At this time, COVID-19 has only impacted our ability to support our customers with product in two ways:
Our building is closed to outside individuals.
Our response time may be delayed during this period as we adapt to these special circumstances.
Otherwise, we remain fully operational. We will continue to monitor the situation and adjust our approach as needed. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.
Please stay safe and remember we’re all in this together, as Americans.
-Baco Enterprises Inc.