ASTM A354 Grades

BD - Grade BD bolts are equal in strength to ASTM F3125 grade A490 bolts.

2BC - Grade BC bolts are equal in strength to ASTM F3125 grade A325 bolts.

A354 Mechanical Properties
Grade Size Tensile, ksi, min Yield, ksi, min Elong %, min RA %, min Hardness, HRC
BC 1/4" to 2-1/2" 125 min 109 16 50 26 - 36
2-1/2" or larger 115 min 99 16 45 22 - 33
BD 1/4" - 4" 150 - 173 130 14 40 33 - 38

A354 Chemical Properties
Element All sizes of Grade BC, Grade BD through 2-1/4” diameter. Grade BD over 2-1/4”
Carbon, % 0.30 to 0.53 0.35 to 0.53
Manganese, % min 0.6 0.6
Phosphorus, % max 0.035 0.035
Sulfur, % max 0.04 0.04
Boron, % max 0.003 0.003
Nickel, % min - 0.4
Chromium, % min - 0.4
Molybdenum, % min - 0.15
Other Alloying Elements * *

*steel is considered to be alloy when the maximum range given for manganese exceeds 1.65 % or a definite minimum quantity for any of the following elements is specified or required within the limits of the recognized field of constructional alloy steels: chromium, molybdenum, nickel, or any other alloying element added to obtain a desired alloying effect.

All information derived from globally recognized specifications, subject to change, user discretion is advised.