ATSM A307 Grades


A - Headed bolts, threaded rods and bent bolts intended for general applications.


B - Heavy hex bolts and studs intended for flanged joints in piping systems with cast iron flanges.


C* - Nonheaded anchor bolts, either bent or straight, intended for structural anchorage purposes. The end of a grade C anchor bolt intended to project from the concrete will be painted green for identification purposes. Permanent marking is a supplemental requirement. *As of August 2007, grade C has been replaced by specification F1554 grade 36. We will continue to supply grade C, if required by the project.

A307 Mechanical Properties
Grade Tensile, ksi Yield, min, ksi Elong %, min
A 60 min - 18
B 60 - 100 - 18
C* 58 - 80 36 23

A307 Chemical Properties
Element Grade A Grade B
Carbon, max 0.29% 0.29%
Manganese, max 1.20% 1.20%
Phosphorus, max 0.04% 0.04%
Sulfur, max 0.15% 0.05%

A307 Recommended Hardware
Nuts Washers
A307 Grades A & C* A307 Grade B
1/4 - 1-1/2 1-5/8 - 4 1/4/2004
A563A Hex A563A Heavy Hex A563A Heavy Hex F844

All information derived from globally recognized specifications, subject to change, user discretion is advised.